0 2025-02-10
在那个深夜的公路上,车灯如同孤独的心跳,穿透着无边的黑暗。 headlights pierced through the endless darkness, like a lonely heartbeat. 我们的车队行驶在这条蜿蜒曲折的小路上,就像一艘船在茫茫大海中航行,无法预知前方隐藏着什么秘密。
突然,一道刺眼的光芒从远处闪过,我感到心跳加速。 A sudden flash of light from afar made my heart race. “看,那里有个小镇!”司机兴奋地指向了右侧,“我们去看看吧。” The driver excitedly pointed to the right and said, "Let's go see!"
我们下了车,在那偏僻的小镇上转了一圈,却发现每个人都像是装作不认识我们一样。 As we walked around that secluded town, everyone seemed to be pretending not to know us. 一个老头子走过来,对我说:“这里风景很美,但别忘了回来。” An old man approached me and said, "The scenery here is beautiful, but don't forget to come back."
回到车上,我们继续我们的旅程。但是,当我们再次经过这个小镇时,我们却发现一切都不太对劲。 Back in the car, we continued our journey. However, when we passed by that town again later on, everything felt off.
某个地方,我隐约听到孩子们高声玩耍的声音,但当我回头一望,只见空无一人。我甚至开始怀疑自己是否真的听到了那些声音。 Somewhere along the way, I thought I heard children laughing loudly while playing. But when I turned around for a second look there was no one in sight. Even I began to doubt whether I had actually heard those sounds.
随着夜色越来越深,这种感觉变得更加强烈。我开始意识到,我们可能已经陷入了一场恐怖之中,而这一切,都发生在我所没有看到的地方... As the night grew darker this feeling became even stronger. It dawned on me that we might have fallen into a horror scenario without realizing it - all happening beyond what I could see...