
本站原创 0 2025-02-26

在选择猫粮时,家长需要根据年龄和营养需求来调整饮食。从肉类含量到添加剂,了解什么是“全面营养猫食品”,以及如何购买高质量的猫粮,以确保猫获得所需的蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素和矿物质。 最后一期,我们与家长分享了关于猫咪三个年龄段的营养需求(幼cat、成年cat和老年cat),分析了湿粮和干粮的区别,以及如何选择适合你的宠物主人的猫粮。


虽然干饼和湿饼都是不错的选择,但美国康奈尔动物健康中心主任、宠物营养学博士Bruce Kornreich仍然提醒家长“咨询兽医很重要”。这将确保你选择的catsfood满足你的宠物当前生命阶段所需。



干饼是目前主流宠物食品选择之一,部分原因是比湿饼更方便。“干饼经济,无异味,可以长期储存而不变质,”来自加州兽医Shelly Ferris说: “湿饼可能更贵,一旦罐头或袋子打开,就必须放在冰箱里。”

久坐不动的大多数cats会把多余碳水化合成脂肪。活跃大多数Cats绝对可以使用碳水化为能量来源,而久坐不动的大多数Cats会把多余碳水化为脂肪。 “相对来说,湿饺子的蛋白质和脂肪含量更高,是适合各个年龄生活方式Cats更加好的选择。” 宠物营养学博士Kornreich感觉。


Cat’s food and nutrition needs change with age, typically divided into three stages: kittens, adult cats and senior cats. Kittens need more energy and nutrients than adult cats or senior cats.


According to PetFoodie, "Health should start from infancy." Small Cats require more energy and nutrients like protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. Special cat foods designed for small Cats can provide these appropriate nutrients. However, when the kitten reaches one year old, most kittens need to switch to adult cat food.

Adult Cats

The heat of adult cat food may be lower than that of kitten food while Senior Cat's diet is usually adjusted according to their specific health conditions because Senior Cats may have chewing difficulties or decreased sense of smell and taste.

If you choose a component that doesn't suit your Cat's needs, your Cat will clearly show signs of illness such as fatigue vomiting diarrhea weight loss etc.. Please adjust immediately if necessary consult a veterinarian.

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